Each unique class offers helpful information for the animal caregiver: beginner, advanced student or the professional. Combining theory with forty years of clinical experience and humor, these classes are recorded with live audiences and showcase Western, Chinese or Ayervedic herbs, homeopathy, flower essences and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Online Classes
Doggitude & Catitude Series 2019
Sharing a Preventative & Restorative Health Care System for your Animal Friends
Individual Online Courses
The Earthi-tude
(online course)
The Fire-tude
(online course)
The Woodi-tude
(online course)
The Metal-tude
(online course)
The Water-tude
(online course)
Dr. Cheryl Schwartz “Fire-tude”
Chinese Medicine & Animals
Dr. Cheryl Schwartz “Fire-tude” the Spirited Happy Jester
Chinese Medicine & Animals, Part 1
Dr. Cheryl Schwartz “Woodi-tude”
Preview Part 1
Dr. Cheryl Schwartz “Woodi-tude”
Preview Part 2
Dr. Cheryl Schwartz “Earthi-tude”
Preview Part 1
Dr. Cheryl Schwartz “Earthi-tude”
Preview Part 2
Dr. Cheryl Schwartz “Water-tude” The Sensitive, Smart, Charming Chameleon
Dr. Cheryl Schwartz
The “Metal-tude” Astute Aloof Librarian
Free Resources
“Catitude & Doggitude Series” additional resources.